Tools for Evaluating Mathematical and Statistical Software

Tools for Evaluating
Mathematical and Statistical Software

Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division
Statistical Engineering Division

The purpose of this project is to improve the reliability of mathematical and statistical software products by providing reference data and computational results that enable objective evaluation of algorithms and software by developers and users.

Project Components

The approach best used in the development and dissemination of test data for mathematical and statistical software is dependent upon the particular problem domain and target audience. As a result, we have selected three focus areas that characterize different domains in order to explore their differing requirements. Within these areas we are developing expertise, performing relevant research, and building services using modern communications media such as the World Wide Web.

Related NIST Resources


Project Champions

Ron Boisvert
Will Guthrie
Eric Lagergren

Project Staff

Linear Algebra Software Special Functions

Ron Boisvert Eric Lagergren Will Guthrie Dan Lozier
Roldan Pozo Carroll Croarkin Jim Filliben Marje McClain
Karin Remington Lisa Gill Phoebe Fagan Bruce Miller
Bruce Miller Hung-kung Liu Janet Rogers Bonita Saunders
Robert Lipman Bert Rust Mark Vangel Frank Olver
Phoebe Fagan Nien Fan Zhang

Last change in this page: September 23, 1997.