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    Last edited by Avron Barr Sep 13, 2017 FrontPage

    IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC)
    Systems Interoperability in Education and Training

    LETSI's Pensacola meeting




    LTSC Monthy Meeting, second Tuesday of the month, 9:00am EST



    The  Learning Technology Standards Committee is chartered by the IEEE Computer Society Standards Activity Board to develop internationally accredited technical standards, recommended practices, and guidelines for educational technology. We anticipate and solve market problems caused by incompatible systems and data formats. Currently, groups are working in the following areas:


    • Actionable Data Book A sponsored IEEE Industry Connections community is exploring the future of educational publications.
    • Augmented Reality Learning Experience Mode A new working group is developing a standard model for defining AR-based learning activities.
    • Project -based Learning Opportunities A new working group (P1484.21) is exploring the possibility of describing internships and other on-the-job learning opportunities and of building a brokerage system to match prospects with appropriate jobs.
    • Competencies A proposed study group will explore the possibility of defining a universal language for describing competency frameworks, which will allow these frameworks to be compatible and interoperable across communities of practice. See the call for participation. 
    • IEEE P7004: Standard for Child and Student Data GovernanceThe standard defines specific methodologies to help users certify how they approach accessing, collecting, storing, utilizing, sharing, and destroying child and student data.


    We welcome new members who can contribute their time and expertise to understanding and solve product interoperability issues caused by the rapid advance of new educational technologies. Typically, several new projects start every year. Individuals interested in participating are encouraged to contact the LTSC Chair or the relevant working group or study group chair:


     The LTSC members meet online every month to review progress in the working groups and discuss problems and new projects. All LTSC meetings are open to interested parties.


    LTSC Officers

    LTSC Work Group Chairs





    September 2017