
This site is an archive

After several years of successful research and tens of thousands of users, the Locaccino location sharing service ended in June 2013. This website remains as an informative showcase.


A User-Controllable Location-Sharing Tool

Welcome to Locaccino. Our location-centered social application allows you to share your location with your friends. Whether they are checking to see if your flight landed safely, planning a Friday night outing, or just wondering if you are in the office to grab coffee, Locaccino is there to help you share!

Privacy Controls

Locaccino is the only location-sharing system that gives you precision control over who can see your location. While most location-based systems only allow you to list which of your contacts should or shouldn’t be able to see your location, our privacy settings allow you to create rules as simple or complex as you want them to be!

Our technology allows you to easily define the times when you want to share your locations. Locaccino lets you create groups for your friends to simplify your location preferences. With Locaccino, allowing your co-workers to see your location from 8AM – 5PM is a snap.

Locaccino also allows you to specify where you can be located. Using a Google maps interface, you can define regions where you do and don’t want other people to be able to find you.

Locaccino Location Sensing

Our software will sense your location without even requiring GPS! By leveraging the wifi network of Skyhook Wireless, a nearby location will be found for you. The Locaccino software you’ll download will do all the work.

We Protect Your Privacy

Locaccino has a team of privacy researchers actively working to make sure that your data is kept safe.

Our Privacy Policy explains in detail exactly how we store and process all of your data.

“…we all should have the right to draw the curtain when we want.”

–Stephen Baker

Latest News

2013-06-19: As we’ve announced on Twitter and Facebook, recently we had to discontinue our shuttle and escort tracking service for Carnegie Mellon University. We hope that the university will find a way to replace the tracking service and improve upon it in the near future. Our other location sharing features will remain unaffected by this change.

Locaccino: Tracking location with privacy and The mobile net: Why to worry about privacy regs
by Stephen Baker, author of the Numerati

CyLab Research Update: Locaccino Enables the Watched to Watch the Watchers
by Richard Power, at CyBlog, the blog of CyLab at Carnegie Mellon

Now You Can Track Colleagues and Students on Your Laptop
by Jeffrey R. Young, for the Chronicle of Higher Education

New Location Sharing App
Carnegie Mellon University