WS-Policy WG Teleconference 04 Agenda 2006-08-02 from Christopher B Ferris on 2006-07-31 ( from July 2006)

WS-Policy WG Teleconference 04 Agenda 2006-08-02

WS-Policy WG Teleconference 03 Agenda 2006-07-26

The phone number to use for the WS-Policy WG teleconference is
documented on the WG's administrative home page: 

Participants are invited to join IRC channel #ws-policy as documented on 
the WG's administrative home page.

Teleconference Time and Length (two hours)
Pacific   9 AM - 11 AM
Mountain 10 AM - 12 PM
Central  11 AM -  1 PM
Eastern  12 PM -  2 PM
UK        5 PM -  7 PM
Sri Lanka 9:30 PM - 11:30 PM

1. Roll call and selection of secretary, Chair
List of participants: 

Scribe List: (will select one victim in-order from the list below) 
        Mark Little 
        Abbie Barbir 
        Prasad Yendluri 
        Anthony Nadalin 
        Dimitar Angelov 
        Sanjiva Weerawarana 
        Bijan Parsia 
        Yakov Sverdlov 
        Monica Martin 
        Seumas Soltysik 
        Maryann Hondo 
        Toufic Boubez 
        Glen Daniels 
        Fabian Ritzmann 
        Ashok Malhotra 
        Sanka Samaranayake 
        Ruchith Fernando 
        Felix Sasaki 
        Daniel Roth 
        Charlton Barreto 
        Jeffrey Crump 
        Tom Jordahl 
        Jong Lee
        Asir Vedamuthu
          mit Yalinalp 
        Frederick Hirsch
        Dale Moberg
        David Orchard
        Jeff Mischkinsky
          William Henry 

2. Review and approval of 2006-07-28 telcon minutes, Chair
Draft minutes (member only):

3. Future WG meetings, Chair

a) Next distributed meeting is Wed Aug 9 - Paul to chair

b) Sept F2F meeting, Sep 12-14, Microsoft, Redmond, WA
Meeting information email (member only): 
F2F Meeting home page: 

c) Nov F2F meeting, Nov 7-9, Sonic, Bedford, MA
Status: Sonic has confirmed they are able to host the Nov F2F meeting. BEA 
has also
confirmed that they can host this meeting in SF

d) Jan 2007 F2F meeting (date TBD, roughly 3rd week Jan)
Status: BEA has confirmed that they can host this meeting in SF
Note that the W3C will be hosting a multi-group meeting Jan 22-26, 2007 in 
Boston (member only link): 

4. Working Group drafts, Chair
        Links to be provided

a) Editorial team report

WS-Policy Framework:

WS-Policy Attachment:

5. Working Group tools, Chair
New tools are open for business

a) bugzilla 

b) tracker (member only)

6. Review action items, Chair

a) Open action items: (member 

7. Editorial and wording changing issues (30 minutes)

I will update this with a list of prospective issues tomorrow. Please 
enter the
issues as requested so that we can work from the bugzilla listing. If your 
is not in bugzilla, we won't be able to discuss it on the call.

8. Minor Technical Issues (30 minutes)

I will update this with a list of prospective issues tomorrow. Please 
enter the
issues as requested so that we can work from the bugzilla listing. If your 
is not in bugzilla, we won't be able to discuss it on the call.

9. Major Technical Issues (30 minutes)

I will update this with a list of prospective issues tomorrow. Please 
enter the
issues as requested so that we can work from the bugzilla listing. If your 
is not in bugzilla, we won't be able to discuss it on the call.

10. Any other business


Christopher Ferris
STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
phone: +1 508 377 9295

Received on Monday, 31 July 2006 21:52:21 UTC