Mail Archives Mail Archives

Discussion on the topics of scripting interface design, Web IDL, and coordination between W3C Working Groups, ECMA TC-39, and other interested parties. This list is not a forum for script authoring.
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period re-sorted messages
October to December 2019by threadby authorby subject1
July to September 2017by threadby authorby subject18
April to June 2017by threadby authorby subject9
January to March 2017by threadby authorby subject29
October to December 2016by threadby authorby subject87
July to September 2016by threadby authorby subject74
April to June 2016by threadby authorby subject30
January to March 2016by threadby authorby subject121
October to December 2015by threadby authorby subject73
July to September 2015by threadby authorby subject86
April to June 2015by threadby authorby subject97
January to March 2015by threadby authorby subject238
October to December 2014by threadby authorby subject320
July to September 2014by threadby authorby subject326
April to June 2014by threadby authorby subject281
January to March 2014by threadby authorby subject230
October to December 2013by threadby authorby subject417
July to September 2013by threadby authorby subject750
April to June 2013by threadby authorby subject789
January to March 2013by threadby authorby subject367
October to December 2012by threadby authorby subject417
July to September 2012by threadby authorby subject164
April to June 2012by threadby authorby subject362
January to March 2012by threadby authorby subject536
October to December 2011by threadby authorby subject388
July to September 2011by threadby authorby subject476
April to June 2011by threadby authorby subject323
January to March 2011by threadby authorby subject79
October to December 2010by threadby authorby subject117
July to September 2010by threadby authorby subject8
April to June 2010by threadby authorby subject69
January to March 2010by threadby authorby subject51
October to December 2009by threadby authorby subject178
July to September 2009by threadby authorby subject21