Lei Chen,
Sr. Researcher
I am currently transport system domain leader at Scania Research and Innovation and focus on integrated transport systems.
Previously, I have been working with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden with a focus on connected and automated transport and mobility.
I received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in communication engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in infra- informatics from Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, in 2013. My research interests include mathematical modeling, integer linear optimization, cellular networks, vehicular communications, etc. My current research topics focus on cooperative intelligent transport systems, where he investigates communication technologies (dedicated short-range communication, cellular networks, etc.) and cloud-based services for cooperative and automated transport systems to improve traffic safety, efficiency, and sustainability.
20241001, Jointed Scania as a transport system domain leader within Research and Innovation.
20231020, Paper "Privacy-preserving data sharing for automotive applications" wins the best paper award for ITS EMEA at the 29th ITS World Congress, Suzhou, China.
20230924, Invited talk at IEEE ITS Conference 2023 industry session, next generation mobility planning, Bilbao, Spain.
20230731, Papers "STPA for safety analysis of autonomous vehicles vehicles in mixed traffic" and "Privacy-preserving data sharing for automotive applications" are accepted for presentation at the 29th ITS World Congress, Suzhou, China.
20230329, Skyddsängel is featured at the Swedish Television SVT both at the SVT news and SVT evening report.
20221207, present our experiences at the "Accident Research Stakeholders Workshop" organized by IIT Delhi, ICAT and SITIS (Seden-India Transport Innovation and Safety) partnership in Delhi.
20221101, Project "Facilitating sustainable development of sharing micro-mobility and transit multimodal
transport systems (eFAST)" is granted by the Swedish Energy Agency -
20221017, Project "Privacy-preserving automotive data sharing to accelerate mobility service innovation" is granted and started by Vinnova through the strategic vehicle research and innovation program FFI.
20220720, Paper "Operation Analysis of Freeway Mixed Traffic Flow based on Catch-up Coordination Platoon" is accepted by the journal of Accident Analysis & Prevention, Elsevier.
20220706, Paper "Autonomous Vehicle Fleets for Public Transport: Scenarios and Comparisons" is accepted by the journal of Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation, Elsevier.
20220616, Paper "System of Systems for emergency response: the case with CAVs on highways" is accepted by the 25th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2022), Macau, China.
20220615, Presenting at GMC Global Mobility Call regarding mobility challenges in rural areas, Madrid, Spain.
20220609, Project DiG and Skara Skyddsängel were presented during the Kista Mobility Day 2022, Stockholm.
20211126, Project DiG Drone deliveries in rural areas is started to investigate the potential of drones for last mile transport, starting with rural areas.
20211117, Panel discussion at the Sweden India AI & Digitalization Summit 2021, Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden.
20211001, Project Skara Skyddsängel is started to study the potential of drones to provide on-demand lighting infrastructure to support active mobility in rural environment.
20210818, the book "Moving Broadband Mobile Communications Forward Intelligent Technologies for 5G and Beyond" is now publised with our chapter titled "Low-Latency Strategies for Service Migration in Fog Computing Enabled Cellular Networks".
20210523, chapter with the title "Connected Automated Vehicles: Technologies, Developments, and Trends" is now published with the book International Encyclopedia of Transportation and can be accessed here.
20210224, paper with the title "Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems: Choreography-Based Urban Traffic Coordination" is accepted and published by the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and can be accessed here.
20201221, joint project kick-off "ICV-Safe: testing intelligent and connected vehicles in mixed traffic environment", China-Sweden collaborative project on traffic safety, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Read news in Chinese.
20201119, paper with the title "Enabling Technologies for Low-Latency Service Migration in 5G Transport Networks" is published by the Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, and can be accessed here.
202006, Project proposal Nordic Drone Initiative is accepted by the Nordic Innovation, check the press release by the Nordic Innovation and that by RISE.
20200421, paper with the title "Cloud-Based Traffic Control: A System of Systems for Accelerating Deployment of C-Its and Autonomous Vehicles" is accepted for the 27th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Los Angeles, moved to virtual ITS European Congress 2020 due to Covid.
20200421, paper with the title "Federated Learning to Enable Automotive Collaborative Ecosystem: Opportunities and Challenges" is accepted for the 27th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Los Angeles, moved to virtual ITS European Congress 2020 due to Covid.
20200325, paper with the title "Bandwidth Slicing to Boost Federated Learning over Passive Optical Networks" is published with IEEE CommunicationS letters and can be early accessed here.
20200309, the book chapter titled "Low-Latency Strategies for Service Migration in Fog Computing Enabled Cellular Networks" is published by Intechopen and can be accessed here
20191220, The final demonstration video of project AVAP - Automated Vehicles for AirPorts which was led by Luftfartsverket LFV is now out and can be watched here
20191203, Singapore - Sweden workshop on future mobility, Singapore.
20191127, Presenting project AD Aware Traffic Control - Advanced Cooperative Driver Assistance at Drive Sweden workshop Data sharing and Control Towers
20191106, participating trafikverket workshop on "pilot project with autonomous vehicles in the transport system", Stockholm.
20191021-25, Attending ITS World Congress and Presenting paper "Cloud-based traffic control for interaction between autonomous vehicles and emergency vehicles", Singapore
20190912-13, ASAS participated in LFV project AVAP - Autonomous Vehicles at Airports and demonstrated the drone solutions at Örnsköldsvik Airport.
20190513, ASAS demonstration at Vinnova Drone Demo days, Västervik, Sweden.
20190503, Project kickoff for Sino-Sweden bilateral project HIEM (Holistic and integrated emergency management) and Vinnova SoSSUM project SoSER (System av system för effektiva räddningsinsatser och mobilitet i städer), Lindholmen Science Park, Gothenburg, Sweden.
20190207, Press release of NuMo - New Urban Mobility, På RISE , och På DN , check the video and read the report.
20190124, Press release of ASAS - Airport Surveillance for Airport Safety, in English and på Svenska.
201901, paper with the title "Service Migration in Fog Computing Enabled Cellular Networks to Support Real-time Vehicular Communications" has been accepted and published at IEEE Access.
20181211, paper with the title "Delay-Aware Bandwidth Slicing for Service Migration in Mobile Backhaul Networks" has been accepted and published on the Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, OSA publishing.
20181126, Participating ACI Europe and SESAR Workshop, The drone and the airport: friends and foes? Integrating drone operations and services at airports, Oslo, Norway.
20181122, Participating and presenting at Third Swedish Workshop on the Engineering of Systems-of-Systems (SWESoS2018), Linköping, Sweden.
20180917 - 19, Kick-off of project on autonomous airports with focus on autonomous drones for airports at Övik airport, Övik, Sweden.
20180829, Presenting at the demo event of Drive Sweden project AD Aware Traffic Control - Emergency Vehicles, Gothenburg, Sweden.
201808, Paper with the title "Heterogeneous LTE/DSRC Approach to Support Real-time Vehicular Communications" won best paper award at The 10th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), Stockholm, Sweden.
201806, Presenting at the Norwegian Tunnel Safety Conference 2018, Stavanger, Norway.
201804, Project ASAS - Airport Surveillance for Airport Saftey is granted by Vinnova for developing drone-based solutions for airports.
201801, Paper with the title "Every second counts: integrating edge computing and service-oriented architecture for automatic emergency management" is accepted for publication in the Journal of Advanced Transportation (JAT), Wiley&Hindawi.
20180102 - 20180114, Visiting BMW Future Mobility Research Lab at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
20170604 - 20170608, Presenting at the 85th Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2017-Spring, Sydney, Australia.
201705, Attending vehicle electronics and connected services, Gothenburg, Sweden.
201703, Paper with the title "Choreographing services for smart cities: smart traffic demonstration" is accepted for publication at 2nd International Workshop on Connecting All Things for Enabling Smart Cities (CONTEST) in conjunction with Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2017-Spring), Sydney, Australia.
201702, Co-authored paper with the title "A Case Study on Achieving Fair Data Age Distribution in Vehicular Communications" was accepted for presentation at the 2017 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
20170208, CHOReVOLUTION project review, Brussel, Belgium.
20161117, Presenting CHOReVOLUTION for intelligent transport systems at the Paris Open Source Summit POSS 2016 in Paris, France.
20161114 - 20161117, CHOReVOLUTION project meeting, Paris, France.
20161010 - 20161015, Presenting at the 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Melbourne, Australia.
20160913, Presenting iGAME at the 11th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Net4Cars), Halmstad, Sweden.
20160607 - 20160609, CHOReVOLUTION project meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
20160528 - 20160529, Cooperative driving successfully demonstrated with GCDC 2016 organized by i-GAME project, Helmond, the Netherlands.
20160520 - 20160530, Preparation week for Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge (GCDC 2016) and the final Challenge, Helmond, the Netherlands. Check the Scenario Video, and feel thePassion.
2016/05, article “The Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge (GCDC) 2016 - boosting the introduction of Cooperative Automated Vehicles” is accepted for publication at IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine.
2016/04, Presenting at national ITS center (ITSC), Research institute of highway, ministry of transport, with ITSC Director Bin Li, Beijing China.
2016/04, Presenting at Shanghai International Automobil City, with China Sweden Research Center on Traffic Safety (CTS), Tongji University, hosted by Prof. XiChan Zhu, Shanghai, China.
2016/04, conference paper “CHOREM: Choreographing services for emergency management” is accepted for presentation at ITS world congress 2016, Australia.
2016/03, Presenting at Tsinghua University on C-ITS, hosted by Prof. Li Li, Beijing, China.
2016/03, Kick-off meeting of the Eurostars project RETINA, Real-time support for heterogeneous networks in automotive applications, Gothenburg.
2015/10, IoT-Utblick 2015, SIS-Swedish Standards Institute, Stockholm.
2015/09, journal paper “Cooperative intersection management: a survey” is now published online with IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
2015/08, journal paper “Cooperative intersection management: a survey” is accepted and to be published with IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
2015/07, BMW summer school in Tegernsee, Munich, Germany.
2015/06, project meeting of the EU Horizon 2020 project CHOReVOLUTION in L'Aquila, Italy.
2015/04, Elektronik i Fordon in Gothenburg, Sweden.
2015/01, Kick-off meeting of the EU Horizon 2020 project CHOReVOLUTION in Paris, France.
2014/11, the 3rd international conference on connected vehicles and expo (ICCVE 2014), Vienna, Austria.
2014/09, the EU H2020 project CHOReVOLUTION is granted.
2014/06, Presenting the EU FP7 project i-GAME scenarios at FISITA World Automotive Congress FISITA 2014, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
201306 - 201308, visiting Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China.
2013/04, public defense on the Ph.D. dissertation titled Performance Engineering of Mobile Broadband: Capacity Analysis, Cellular Network Optimization, and Design of In-Building Solutions, Norrkoeping, Sweden.
2012/09, The 7th International Workshop on Small Cell and HetNet, Bristol, UK.
2012/08, 1st IEEE international conference on communications in China (IEEE-ICCC 2012), Beijing, China.
2012/03, International workshop in planning and optimization of wireless networks (OPTNet 2012), Sheffield, UK.
2012/02, 5th International Workshop on Femtocells (and HetNets), Guys campus, King's College London.
2011/10, Future of Wireless Access Workshop, University of Southampton, UK.
201107 - 201210, visiting Univeristy of Bedfordshire and Ranplan Wireless Network Design Ltd as part of the EU project IAPP@Ranplan, Luton, United Kingdom.
2011/07, First International Summer School on Cognitive Wireless Communications, Villa Finaly, Florence, Italy.
2011/03, The Second Nordic Workshop on System and Network Optimization for Wireless (SNOW), Salen, Sweden.
2010/12, public defense on the Licentiate thesis titled Coverage Planning and Resource Allocation in Broadband Cellular Access: Optimization Models and Algorithms, Norrkoeping, Sweden.
2010/05, VTC2010-Spring, Taipei, Taiwan.
2010/01, Advanced Course Polymatroids etcetera: Algorithms and Pretty Theorems, by Jack Edmonds, Barcelona, Spain.
2009/09, the IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
2009/04, IEEE wireless telecommunications symposium (WTS) 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
2009/03, MIMO: from theory to implementation, 2nd COST2100 Training School, Paris, France.
2009/01, Winter School on Network Optimization, Estoril, Portugal.
2008/11, IFIP & IEEE Wireless Days 2008, DuBai, UAE.
2008/10, Sustainability and the Future Internet, 21st Wireless World Research Forum Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
2008/05, International conference on communications (ICC) 2008, Beijing, China.
200805, HOT- TINA: GRAALAEOLUS School on Hot Topics in Network Algorithms, University Residential Center Bertinoro , Italy.
2008/03, Telecommunications Modeling, Policy, and Technology,9th INFORMS Telecommunications Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
2008/02, Wireless Network Optimisation, 1st COST2100 Training School, Wraclaw, Poland.