KOSIS KOrean Statistical Information Service
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Population Projections(´25) Statistical Table 5,168ten thousand persons Number of live births(´24) Statistical Table 238,300persons Total Fertility Rate(´24) Statistical Table 0.750person Number of deaths(´24) Statistical Table 358,400persons Life expectancy at birth(´23) Statistical Table 83.5years Number of marriages(´24) Statistical Table 222,412cases Average number of books read per year(´23) Statistical Table 7.2books Prevalence of obesity(´23) Statistical Table 37.2% High-risk drinking rate(´23) Statistical Table 13.8% Suicide rate(´23) Statistical Table 27.3persons Economically active population(´25.02) Statistical Table 29,119thousand persons Farm household income(´23) Statistical Table 50,828thousand won Relative poverty rate(´23) Statistical Table 14.9% Number of nurses(´23) Statistical Table 269,434persons Number of doctors(´23) Statistical Table 114,699persons Number of medical institutions(´24.4/4) Statistical Table 103,308entities Number of basic livelihood security recipients(´23) Statistical Table 2,555thousand persons Youth smoking rate(´24) Statistical Table 3.6%
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Employment '25.02 Prices '25.02 Industry '25.01 Population '24.12
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