xrc (exact reals in C)
This is an implementation of lazy exact real arithmetic in C.
It is an alternative to multiple-precision floating-point codes.
An important distinction is that in multiple-precision floating-point,
one sets the precision before
starting a computation, and then one cannot be sure of the final
result. Interval arithmetic is an improvement on this, but still
not an ideal solution because if the final interval is larger than desired,
there is no simple way to restart the computation at higher precision.
By constrast, in exact real arithmetic no precision level is set in advance, and no computation
takes place until a final request takes place for some output.
I have previously developed similar codes in python and C++.
This new C version is faster, more portable, and easier to use.
See the man page.
Keith Briggs
how does it work?
In this code, to each (mathematical) real number X in R there
corresponds an xr_t x, which is a function int -> mpz_t, where mpz_t is an
arbitrary precision integer type.
This function is normally not called by the user.
It always satisfies
where X is the real represented by x.
This inequality is propagated through all operations.
B=2b is typically 2=21.
b can be chosen by the user (1,2,3,...), but 1 seems a good value.
All results should be invariant with respect to b.
The intended applications are proving inequalities between constructed reals.
I initially developed this code as I had a need in my work on
simultaneous Diophantine approximation algorithms.
A typical situation there is that we have two irrational numbers
a1,a2 and some very large integers p1,p2,q such that
e1=|q*a1-p1| and
e2=|q*a2-p2| are very small and very close, but we have to decide
which is smaller. The result of such a computation with xrc is guaranteed
A simpler well-known example is this: suppose we want to know whether
exp(p*sqrt(163)) is an integer or not.
In double precision, we cannot conclude anything:
double x=exp(3.141592653589793*sqrt(163));
cout << setprecision(16) << x; // prints 262537412640767947.
but in xrc we can just do this:
which is a proof that x is not an integer, since the output means
that it is strictly greater than its floor and strictly less than its ceiling.
There are probably other applications in computational geometry, but
this is NOT the right code to use if you want to look at a million decimals of p!
other attempts at similar things
Some possibly competing projects with xrc include:
CORE library (Yap)
IC-Reals: C library for Exact Real Computation (Edalat)
A Calculator for Exact Real Number Computation (Plume)
iRRAM - Exact Arithmetic in C++ (N. Mller)
Exact Reals Calculator in Java (Boehm)
Computable Real Numbers in Lisp
I obtained theoretical ideas and algorithms from these sites:
H.-J. Boehm, R. Cartwright, M. Riggle, and M.J. O'Donnell. `Exact real arithmetic: A case study in higher order programming', ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, 1986.
John Harrison: Theorem Proving with the Real Numbers and
lecture notes
Valrie Mnissier-Morain: homepage
Peter Potts: Exact Real Arithmetic using Möbius Transformations
Vernon A. Lee: Optimizing Programs over the Constructive Reals
Computability and Complexity in Analysis Network
Pietro Di Gianantonio: papers on real number computability
Reinhold Heckmann: Exact Real Arithmetic
Abbas Edalat: research papers
Martn Escard: research page and
research papers
R. B. Jones: Computing with Reals - Some History
Alex Simpson: Research
Alex Kaganovsky
K. Weihrauch: Computable Analysis
Some of the earlier work on exact reals used continued fraction arithmetic:
Gosper's famous continued fraction arithmetic hakmem and the less well-known but just as important second part.
J. Vuillemin: `Exact real computer arithmetic with continued fractions', INRIA Rapports de Recherche 760 (1987);
ACM Symposium on lisp and functional programming 1988, pp. 14-27;
and IEEE Transactions on Computers 39, 1087-1105, 1990.
P. Liardet and P. Stambul: Algebraic Computations with Continued Fractions.
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