米国国家安全保障会議の「ウクライナを援助する」極秘テロ計画が暴露される (15 Feb 2025, The Grayzone) Secret terror blueprints for US NSC to ‘help Ukraine resist’ exposed (15 Feb 2025, The Grayzone) ......Perhaps the most disquieting passage of the document is its last, in which its authors survey historical examples of air forces employing foreign pilots in major conflicts. The paper notes that the aforementioned Flying Tigers “were discharged from the US armed forces” to fight Japan in China, “with the clear understanding that they would be welcomed back thereafter.”......
ショルツ、ウクライナのために外部予算を追加使用することを連邦議会に確認 (14 Feb 2025, TASS) Scholz calls on Bundestag to ensure additional spending for Ukraine outside budget (14 Feb 2025, TASS) ※ショルツは「連邦議会はドイツ連邦共和国基本法第115条第2項に基づく緊急事態とみなす決定を早急に下さなければならない」と記者団に伝えたという報道。もし事実ならば軍の指揮権を首相に移譲することを要求しており、狂っている。 "This means that our support for Ukraine, which is now more important than ever, will no longer be carried out at the expense of other tasks that our state must fulfill in relation to its citizens," the German Chancellor said
酔っぱらった日本の官僚が機密書類を紛失 (ドイツ語記事, 11 Feb 2025, Kronen Zeitung) Betrunkener Beamter in Japan verliert heikle Akten (11 Feb 2025, Kronen Zeitung) ※国内のみならずBBCでも大きく報道された事件が各国メディアで取り上げられているようだ。上の記事はオーストリアで売れている地方紙。「当局が未だにフロッピーデスクを使っているのか?」というぶら下がりコメントがあるところを見ると、財務官僚がまさか紙の書類やパソコンを持ち歩いているとは想像だにしないようだ。「日本人はなんですぐ酔っぱらうんだ?...だって小柄だろ」などというコメントも。
新たな軍産複合体の出現 (10 Feb 2025, Scheerpost) A New Military-Industrial Complex Arises (10 Feb 2025, Scheerpost) ...... an assortment of new firms, born in Silicon Valley or incorporating its disruptive ethos, have begun to challenge the older ones for access to lucrative Pentagon awards. In the process, something groundbreaking, though barely covered in the mainstream media, is underway: a new MIC is being born, one that potentially will have very different goals and profit-takers than the existing one......
サウジとイスラエルの正常化という「妄想」(5 Feb 2025, The Cradle.co) The Saudi–Israeli normalization 'delusion' (5 Feb 2025, The Cradle.co) While Saudi–Israeli rapprochement may be Trump's diplomatic fantasy, deep-rooted regional realities, shifting West Asian interests, and Palestinian national aspirations make it an elusive mirage rather than an imminent
トランプの息子の嫁、ララがフォックス・ニュースに再び参加 (5 Feb 2025, Politico) Lara Trump is rejoining Fox News (5 Feb 2025, Politico) It’s yet another instance of the revolving door relationship between Trump’s inner circle and the Rupert Murdoch-owned television network.