Real-Time Service (RTS) – International GNSS Service
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Real-Time Service (RTS)

Real-Time Service (RTS)

The International GNSS Service (IGS) has ensured the availability of open access, high-quality GNSS data products since 1994. These products enable access to the definitive global reference frame for scientific, educational, and commercial applications – a tremendous benefit to the public.

Through the Real-time Service (RTS), the IGS extends its capability to support applications requiring real-time access to IGS products. The RTS is a GNSS service providing access to real-time precise products such as orbit and clock corrections, code and phase biases, which can be used as a substitute for ultra-rapid products in real-time applications. Hence, it enables precise point positioning (PPP) and related applications, such as time synchronization and disaster monitoring, at worldwide scales. The RTS is based on the IGS global infrastructure of network stations, data centers and analysis centers that provide world standard high-precision GNSS data products.

The RTS is offered as a multi-GNSS operational service. Its multi-GNSS products include a number of individual AC solutions as well as two multi-GNSS combination streams.

This service is made possible through partnerships with a large number of organizations. Support is provided by more than 160 station operators and multiple data centers, and analysis centers around the world.

The Real-Time Analysis Centre Coordinator (RTACC) is from the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG). BKG also generates multi-GNSS combination solutions and provides resources for solution monitoring.

The RTS is operated by the IGS as a public service. Users are offered open and readily available access through subscription.

For more information

Last Updated on 14 Sep 2023 15:22 UTC

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