I maintenanced the mac mini.
I tried to change the temporary folder to reduce a heavy load on system drive because I always repeat record and erase huge movies capturing streamings at 4K resolution.
I afraid such heavy loads may make terrible effect on the system drive.
I had to change temporary folder for capturing screen shots.
But I could not get any information for only changing the temporary folder of it.
The only way to avoid the problem was to change the home folder, that means all data might be affected.
Once I changed the home folder, which came to a fatal result.
The machine never start.
And because I didn't set the TimeMachine, I could not recover the machine.
I had to reset the mac mini and install OS and install some apps taking some hours.
In addition, I set a proper TimeMachine.
Finally, I succeeded to change the home folder and reduce the load on system drive.
ジョギング 30分(約3.1km)
スクワット 50×3
シュラッグ 50kg×10×3
7:00 野菜ジュース、牛乳、ヨーグルト、トースト、あんこ、きなこ、コーヒー
9:00 コーヒー、牛乳
12:00 鶏肉しいたけ青梗菜焼きそば、サラダ、野菜ジュース
15:00 菓子、コーヒー、牛乳
19:30 ご飯、唐揚げ、サラダ、熱湯、味噌汁、牛乳