GorgiasB tool
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This is the home page of the Gorgias-B tool for developing applications under preference-based argumentation with the use of a graphical user interface.

-> Gorgias-B is currently in flux (constant development, with frequent releases), please send us an email to let you know about new developments, or check ou our news and publications.

What can Gorgias-B do, whom does it concern?

Gorgias-B is a new tool for the development of real life applications of argumentation for making informed decisions, choosing among a number of alternative courses of action, based on arguments. It can be used by non-argumentation experts generating and testing automatically the target argumentation theory in Gorgias. Users do not need to have specialized technical skills or know about computer or logic programming to use it.

Gorgias-B guides the user through his/her decision problem by an incremental refinement of application scenarios, where he/she considers the several (usually conflicting) alternatives and evaluates them by using generic or contextual knowledge. It follows the SoDA (Software Development for Argumentation) methodology.

Thus, users can use Gorgias-B to be aided in structuring their knowledge and modeling their decision making task. The Gorgias-B tool can help them not only define their decision policy but also execute scenarios to test it.