FDNY WTC Health Program Data Center Website

Welcome to the FDNY World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program Data Center Website

The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 established the World Trade Center Health Program. The FDNY WTC Health Program Data Center is one of several data centers that exist within the Program.

The main objective of each data center is to collect, analyze, and report data to the WTC Health Program. Data will be used by researchers to deepen the understanding of the 9/11 impact on members.

Make a Data Request

Request data to be used in research. Review the necessary information to submit your request.

Review Published Research

Since 9/11, research has been conducted that specifically addresses the health effects of exposure to the WTC disaster site, with focus on first responders.

Contact Us

FDNY Bureau of Health Services
9 Metrotech Center, Room 2E-13
Brooklyn, NY 11201-5431

Phone: (718) 999-1858

Data Request

As a part of the WTC Health Program, The FDNY WTC Health Program Data Center is required to provide data for research projects that have been and will be funded in response to Funding Opportunity Announcements published by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Releasing and sharing data across the wider research community has many advantages, including improvements in data quality, greater understanding of diseases and conditions affecting the public health, and the building of trust and confidence in the data, which are open to review and critique by other researchers and the public.  WTC Health Program data are readily accessible to authorized parties per the terms of this Data Sharing Plan.   If you are interested in obtaining data for this purpose, please read the following documentation before making a Data Request to the FDNY WTC Health Program Data Center:

Data Sharing Plan – this is an overview of the FDNY WTC Health Program Data Center's agreement with NIOSH concerning how data can be distributed to authorized parties, as well as under what circumstances this authorization will be provided.

WTC Health Program Background Information and Data – This is a detailed account of the types of data which are available to authorized parties.  Further information can be provided upon request.

Data Use Agreement – Must be completed and signed by the research entity requesting Limited Data Set(s). This form specifies the requirements that researchers must meet and the restrictions placed on the use of the data to ensure adequate protections for research participants and is in compliance with the required terms for a limited data set agreement as specified by HIPAA.

If, after reading these documents, you feel that your organization is interested in obtaining data from the FDNY WTC Health Program, and is qualified to do so, please contact:

Rachel Zeig-Owens, DrPH
Supervising Epidemiologist for FDNY WTC Health Program
9 Metrotech Center, 5th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 999-0734