Facundo Mémoli
Facundo Mémoli

I am a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Rutgers University.

I was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, a small country in Latin America, where I obtained a Electrical Engineering and MMS degrees from the Universidad de la República in 2000 and 2001.

My research interests include topics in the intersection of metric geometry, topology, probability, and applications to science and engineering.

Prospective students: Please read this.

I lead the Network Data Analysis group.

I am a member of the OSU TGDA group.

I am currently the PI on three NSF grants: NSF-AF-2310412, NSF-IIS-1901360, and NSF-DMS-2301359".

My email facundo.memoli@gmail.com.

My current CV [pdf].

Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Hill Center - Busch Campus
110 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019, USA