Fabric.js Javascript Library

Fabric.js is a powerful and simple Javascript HTML5 canvas library

Fabric provides interactive object model on top of canvas element Fabric also provide serialization and has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser

Fabric.js Features

Text editing

On-canvas text editing with rich styling, IME and curve support

Complex paths support

Import and draw complex SVG paths composed from hundreds of simple paths

Image filtering

WebGL and Canvas2d customizable and composable picture filters


Support for tweening/easing of position, transformation, and style

Clip paths

Create a clipping region for an object, group, or the whole canvas from any other Fabric object

Flexible controls

On-canvas controls for scale, rotation, and skew, and a powerful custom control API

Typescript support

Written in Typescript for a streamlined workflow and easy debugging

Object grouping

Group multiple objects together for selection and transformation

Viewport transformations

Easily zoom & pan the canvas while maintaining render quality

Object caching

A powerful caching system for fast drawing of complex paths & images

Companies using Fabric.js
