Vaccines for established cancer: overcoming the challenges posed by immune evasion | Nature Reviews Cancer
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Vaccines for established cancer: overcoming the challenges posed by immune evasion

Key Points

  • Therapeutic vaccines for the induction of tumour-specific T cell responses show high immunogenicity and clinical efficacy over different formulation platforms in pre-cancers but not in established cancers.

  • Cancer vaccines fail to treat established disease owing to a lack of appropriate co-treatment for the immune evasion mechanisms that are operational in the target group.

  • Recognition of escaped tumours with defective major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I processing and presentation can, in most cases, be restored or induced by activation of CD8+ T cells specific for T cell epitopes associated with impaired peptide processing (TEIPP) antigens.

  • The potency of peptide-based vaccines to stimulate type 1 T helper (TH1) cells and CD8+ T cells will be improved by coupling them with pattern recognition receptor (PRR) agonists and by the formation of supramolecular peptide conjugates.

  • The combination of vaccines with therapies that target immune-suppressive myeloid cells, prevent immune checkpoint activation and stimulate local immune cell infiltration will maximize clinical benefit.

  • Future research will focus on methods to quickly assess the most important immunological hurdles present in a patient's tumour so that the best cancer vaccine combination therapy can be given.


Therapeutic vaccines preferentially stimulate T cells against tumour-specific epitopes that are created by DNA mutations or oncogenic viruses. In the setting of premalignant disease, carcinoma in situ or minimal residual disease, therapeutic vaccination can be clinically successful as monotherapy; however, in established cancers, therapeutic vaccines will require co-treatments to overcome immune evasion and to become fully effective. In this Review, we discuss the progress that has been made in overcoming immune evasion controlled by tumour cell-intrinsic factors and the tumour microenvironment. We summarize how therapeutic benefit can be maximized in patients with established cancers by improving vaccine design and by using vaccines to increase the effects of standard chemotherapies, to establish and/or maintain tumour-specific T cells that are re-energized by checkpoint blockade and other therapies, and to sustain the antitumour response of adoptively transferred T cells.

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Figure 1: Tumour escape gives rise to alternative peptide antigens.
Figure 2: Vaccines require co-treatment for T cells to withstand the immune-suppressive microenvironment.

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Writing of this review was supported by Dutch Cancer Society grant KWO 2009-4400 to C.J.M.M. and S.H.v.d.B.

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Correspondence to Sjoerd H. van der Burg or Cornelis J. M. Melief.

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Competing interests

C.J.M.M. reports having a stock-appreciation right that is the equivalent of a stock option in 1% of the issued share capital of ISA Pharmaceuticals, Leiden, Netherlands, is being named as an inventor on the patent for the use of synthetic long peptides as vaccines and is employed as Chief Scientific Officer by ISA Pharmaceuticals, which exploits this patent. S.H.v.d.B. is one of the inventors on the patent for the use of synthetic long peptides as a vaccine but holds no financial interest. S.H.v.d.B. serves as a paid member of the strategy board of ISA Pharmaceuticals. S.H.v.d.B. and T.v.H. are named as inventor on a patent indicating natural killer cell receptor A (NKG2A) as checkpoint molecule involved in vaccine therapy and receive research support from Innate Pharma, Marseille, France, for their studies on this topic. F.O. and C.J.M.M. are named as inventor on a patent involving an improved Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) ligand (Amplivant, manufactured by ISA Pharmaceuticals) as an adjuvant for defined T cell vaccines. R.A. declares no competing interests.

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Substances that can be added to vaccines to enhance the immunogenicity of an antigen.

Vaccine platform

The basic form that different vaccines are based on, such as peptides, recombinant DNA orh RNA, or dendritic cells.

Oncolytic vaccines

Vaccines containing oncolytic viruses, which preferentially kill tumour cells and stimulate immune responses to tumour antigens.


Recombinant viruses expressing carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), mucin 1 (MUC1) and the co-stimulatory molecules B7.1 (also known as CD80), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1) and lymphocyte function-associated antigen 3 (LFA3).

Second-in-class mutant epitopes

Subdominant T cell epitopes that are still important mediators of tumour rejection.

Medullary thymic epithelial cells

Cells that display 'self'-antigens to developing T cells. Upon antigen recognition, these 'self-reactive' T cells die via programmed cell death and as such are deleted from the T cell repertoire. This process depends on the ectopic expression of tissue-specific antigens, which is regulated by the autoimmune regulator AIRE.


T cell antigens that are newly created by mutations in the DNA encoding normal proteins.

Transporter associated with antigen processing

(TAP). A protein complex responsible for the delivery of peptides from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum, where major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I peptide loading takes place.

Toll-like receptors

One of several types of pattern recognition receptor that are expressed by antigen- presenting cells and are important for activation of the adaptive immune system.

Pattern recognition receptor

A type of receptor expressed by cells of the innate immune system that recognizes molecular patterns of pathogens or cell damage.

Polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid

(Poly(I:C)). A double-stranded RNA analogue that stimulates the immune system by binding to Toll-like receptor 3.

Stimulator of IFN genes

(STING). Also known as TMEM173, MITA, ERIS and MPYS. A transmembrane protein localized to the endoplasmic reticulum that works as a direct cytosolic DNA sensor and as an adaptor protein in type I interferon (IFN) signalling. Activation results in the production of IFNα and IFNβ. IFN-mediated activation of dendritic cells is important for the induction of tumour-specific T cells.

Host conditioning

Lymphodepletion to eliminate regulatory T cells and cytokine sinks, and to activate dendritic cells before adoptive cell transfer commences.


Neo-epitopes based on the total somatic mutations in the genome.

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van der Burg, S., Arens, R., Ossendorp, F. et al. Vaccines for established cancer: overcoming the challenges posed by immune evasion. Nat Rev Cancer 16, 219–233 (2016).

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