Detection of a volcanic fracture opening in Japan using Global Positioning System measurements | Nature
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Detection of a volcanic fracture opening in Japan using Global Positioning System measurements


THE Global Positioning System (GPS) is a powerful tool for detecting crustal deformation1; for example, the technique has been used to detect plate boundary movements in California2. Here we report observations of crustal deformation associated with seismic swarm and sea-floor volcanic activity off the east coast of the Izu Peninsula, Japan, in July 1989, using a fixed-point GPS network. These measurements have enabled us to capture some rarely observed features of seismic and volcanic activity. We have, for the first time, used GPS fixed-point measurements to follow the evolution with time of the crustal movements; such measurements provide a continuous uninterrupted record of deformation. Our observations were supported by independent data from other sources, thus providing further evidence for the utility of the GPS.

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Shimada, S., Fujinawa, Y., Sekiguchi, S. et al. Detection of a volcanic fracture opening in Japan using Global Positioning System measurements. Nature 343, 631–633 (1990).

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