Responses evoked in the cerebellar cortex by stimulation of the parietal association cortex (rostral portions of the middle suprasylvian gyrus) were recorded and analysed in cats, and were compared with those by stimulation of the motor cortex (anterior sigmoid gyrus).
The parietal stimulation elicited early mossy fibre and late climbing fibre responses in the cerebellar cortex. The mossy fibre responses appeared at a latency of 2.0–2.5 msec and predominantly in the lateral (hemispherical) part of the contralateral cerebellum (mainly crus I, crus II and paramedian lobules). Cutting of the inferior cerebellar peduncle produced little or no influence upon the mossy fibre responses, which suggests that the mossy fibre responses are mediated chiefly by the pontine nuclei.
The climbing fibre responses were recorded at a latency of 17–19 msec and markedly in the contralateral intermediate and medial parts of IV–VI lobules. The responses were easily suppressed by anaesthesia and depended on the conditions of experimental animals. The unstable appearance of the responses and their longer latencies than those of the climbing fibre responses due to stimulation of the motor cortex imply indirect pathways from the parietal association cortex to the inferior olive.
The predominant projection of the parietal-induced mossy fibre responses to the lateral part of the cerebellum was compared with the mossy fibre projection from the motor cortex and was discussed as an important component in the cerebrocerebellar loops.
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Sasaki, K., Oka, H., Matsuda, Y. et al. Electrophysiological studies of the projections from the parietal association area to the cerebellar cortex. Exp Brain Res 23, 91–102 (1975).
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