Erik Wilde
Erik Wilde

Erik Wilde

Blog: dretblog

I have been working in computer networking for a long time, starting with my Ph.D. in computer networking from ETH Zürich. Publishing the worldwide first book about the technical foundations of the Web during my post-doc year at ICSI, my interest switched to Web technologies and Web architecture, and this is the field that I have been working in since 1997.

I am currently working at CA Technologies' API Academy. Our team focuses on API Strategy, Design, and Management, and we are doing this through speaking at public events, conducting workshops and bootcamps for open or closed audiences, and writing and project work on the side. I have joined the API Academy in May 2016, and so far I am enjoying the ride!

In addition to my professional and research work, I regularly serve as a program committee member for a variety of conferences and workshops as well as for some journals, and have also started to organize some of these events myself.

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