Postpaid versus prepaid services | CRTC

Postpaid versus prepaid services

The Wireless Code establishes basic rights for all wireless consumers. However, there are some differences between postpaid and prepaid services.

Not sure if you’re prepaid or postpaid?

Do you pay a bill after you use your wireless service?

If so, you have the right:

Do you pay before you use your wireless service?

If so, you have the right:

Are you a person with a disability?

If so, you have the right to a copy of your contract, privacy policy, fair use policy, and Critical Information Summary in an alternative format at no charge. You are also entitled to a longer (30 calendar day) trial period and to all of your monthly usage during the trial period to ensure that the service and phone meet your needs.

Have a complaint about your wireless service?

First, try to resolve the issue with your service provider. If you are still unsatisfied, please contact the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services.

Mail: P.O. Box 56067 Minto Place RO, Ottawa, ON K1R 7Z1
Toll-free: 1-888-221-1687
TTY: 1-877-782-2384
Fax: 1-877-782-2924

Take advantage of low-cost and occasional-use plans

Are you on a tight budget? Do you use your mobile phone sparingly? If so, you may want to look into what options are available to you with your wireless service provider, or shop around for a different plan or provider. We are also expecting Bell, Rogers, Telus and SaskTel to offer a variety of low-cost and occasional-use plans to ensure all Canadians have access to high-quality telecommunications services that meet their needs.

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