CPN Tools – A tool for editing, simulating, and analyzing Colored Petri nets


CPN Tools

A tool for editing, simulating, and analyzing Colored Petri nets

The tool features incremental syntax checking and code generation, which take place while a net is being constructed. A fast simulator efficiently handles untimed and timed nets. Full and partial state spaces can be generated and analyzed, and a standard state space report contains information, such as boundedness properties and liveness properties.

New Features in Version 4.0

Declarative constraints
3rd part extensions
Simplified use of non-colored nets
Support for export to PNML
Support for real and time colorsets
Improved support for time (time intervals and state-space reduction)
Simplified state-space analysis
Fresh new look

CPN Tools is originally developed by the CPN Group at Aarhus University from 2000 to 2010. The main architects behind the tool are Kurt Jensen, Søren Christensen, Lars M. Kristensen, and Michael Westergaard. From the autumn of 2010, CPN Tools is transferred to the AIS group, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.

Useful Links

Knowledge Base

Latest Version of CPN Tools

The latest released version is version 4.0.1 from February 2015. Get it from the Downloads page. For a full list of new features for each version of CPN Tools, Access/CPN, and Grade/CPN refer to the Whats New?-list.


CPN Tools is free software; see here for licensing information. It should be straight-forward to install CPN Tools; otherwise, read the help pages.  


You can use Access/CPN with or without Eclipse. We strongly recommend using Eclipse. Get binary releases from the CPN Tools Download page. The source is available from https://svn.win.tue.nl/repos/cpntools/AccessCPN/trunk/ (Note that you get a security error when clicking on the link; this is because the Subversion server uses encryption with a self-signed certificate.) Plug-in Overview You will not need all plug-ins for normal operation. Here is […]


Grade/CPN is a tool for automatically grading several student assignments using CPN Tools. The tool allows teachers to create a generic base model with an interface intended to be filled out by students. Students fill in the missing parts and this can be tested against a formal specification and other formal requirements and assigned scores based on a configuration set up by the teacher. Grade/CPN […]

What’s New?

This is a list of off-site tutorials on getting started with new features in CPN Tools 4. Declare constraints Place-Transition Petri Nets New Types (IntInf, real, time) Minor features Model statistics Simulation stop criteria Simplified state-space analysis Message Sequence Charts Time Intervals and Time Reduction Extensions: Basics Getting Started and Basic Abstractions Graphics and Callbacks


Michael's blog on CPN Tools