Apache Cordova

Mobile apps with HTML, CSS & JS

Target multiple platforms with one code base

Free and open source

Reusable code across platforms

Support for offline scenarios

Access native device APIs

Get Started Fast


Installing Cordova

Cordova command-line runs on Node.js and is available on NPM. Follow platform specific guides to install additional platform dependencies. Open a command prompt or Terminal, and type npm install -g cordova.

$ npm install -g cordova
npm install -g cordova

Create a project

Create a blank Cordova project using the command-line tool. Navigate to the directory where you wish to create your project and type cordova create <path>.

For a complete set of options, type cordova help create.

$ cordova create MyApp
cordova create MyApp

Add a platform

After creating a Cordova project, navigate to the project directory. From the project directory, you need to add a platform for which you want to build your app.

To add a platform, type cordova platform add <platform name>.

For a complete list of platforms you can add, run cordova platform.

$ cd MyApp

$ cordova platform add browser

cd MyApp cordova platform add browser

Run your app

From the command line, run cordova run <platform name>.

$ cordova run browser
cordova run browser

Supported Platforms

See a list of features supported in each platform

Cordova wraps your HTML/JavaScript app into a native container which can access the device functions of several platforms. These functions are exposed via a unified JavaScript API, allowing you to easily write one set of code to target nearly every phone or tablet on the market today and publish to their app stores.