Tomas Svoboda
TS portrait

Tomas Svoboda

Faculty of Electrical Engineering (vicedean)
Department of Cybernetics
Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (head)
Appointments on request. calendar, not all events are visible.

Czech Technical University in Prague, Fac. of Electrical Engineering, Dep. of Cybernetics
Center for Machine Perception, Center for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Karlovo namesti 13, 121 35 Prague, Czech Republic
Room1: KN:E-226, tel:+420 2 24357448, fax:+420 2 24357385
e-mail: svobodat AT
LinkedIn: svobodatomas


I am often looking for strongly motivated PhD as well as undergraduate students. Occasionally, I also have an opening for post-doc positions. If you are interested in what we are doing (check also the VRAS group pages) and want to join us, send me your resume.


past teaching

Research Interests, Projects

Appoximately in reverse chronological order. You may also check related departmental demos/news, VRAS YouTube channel.

Selected publications

Public profiles (as requested by area chairs of CVPR2012, and many others ...) [ Google Scholar profile | DBLP | ResearcherId | Scopus | | arXiv | ]

PhD students

Professional Services

Reviewer for journals e.g. PAMI, IJCV, IJIG, JMIV and for major conferences like ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, and ACCV (ACCV2007 reviewer award). Area chair: AVSS2013,

Research fellowships
