Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding: Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding

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2023: 1.2
Q3 – Agronomy
Q3 – Plant Sciences
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Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding

  • ISSN 1212-1975 (Print)
  • ISSN 1805-9325 (On-line)

An international open access peer-reviewed journal published by of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Published since 1965 (by 1997 under the title Genetika a lechtn)

Aims & Scope

The journal publishes following types of articles: original scientific papers, critical reviews articles and short communications from the field of theoretical and applied plant genetics, plant biotechnology and plant breeding. Papers are published in English.

Current issue


Editorial Department

Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 2025, 61(1):I  

Unravelling population structure and marker trait association using SSR markers among the identified drought tolerant rice landraces (Oryza sativa L.)Original Paper

Shanmugam Manju Devi, John Amalraj Joel, Muthurajan Raveendran, Ramamoorthy Pushpam, Sengalan Muthuramu, Raman Pushpa, N. Sritharan, Periyasamy Prasanna, Ramalingam Suresh

Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 2025, 61(1):1-22 | DOI: 10.17221/12/2024-CJGPB  

With climate change, plants face numerous stresses, notably drought for rice cultivation. Improving rice drought tolerance isvital for sustainable production inwater-scarce regions. Identification ofdrought tolerant genotypes atthe seedling stage ofthe crop contributes tobuild aclimate resilient genotype during the period ofwater scarcity and under challenging environmental conditions. Hence, polyethylene glycol-6000 (PEG-6000) induced drought conditions could beused for testing the drought tolerance inrice atan earlier stage ofthe crop. Optimization of PEG-6000 concentration for screening index at-6 bar was done using three drought-tolerant...

Detection of genomic loci associated with days to heading in tropical japonica rice through QTL-seqOriginal Paper

Khairul Yusuf Nasution, Dani Satyawan, Muhamad Yunus, Azri Kusuma Dewi, Puput Melati, Marina Yuniawati Maryono, Ita Dwimahyani, Wening Enggarini, Sobrizal

Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 2025, 61(1):23-30 | DOI: 10.17221/66/2024-CJGPB  

This study investigated the genetic basis ofdays toheading (DTH) intropical japonica rice using F2populations derived from late-maturing Rojolele and early-maturing Rojolele Srinuk varieties. Phenotypic analysis ofDTH showed continuous distribution and positive skewness. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) derived single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) from early and late-heading bulks were used toidentify three candidate regions with strong association toDTH: qDTH3.1 and qDTH3.2 onchromosome 3, and qDTH7.1 onchromosome 7, with the latter linked tothe Oryza sativa Pseudo-Response Regulator 37 (OsPRR37)...

High levels of type II Fusarium head blight resistance conferred in wheat by combining wheat gene Fhb1 with Lophopyrum elongatum gene Fhb7The2Original Paper

Jan Dvorak, Karin R. Deal, Patrick E. McGuire, Emily J. Conley, James A. Anderson, George Fedak, Julia A. Malvick, Han Chen, Hans-Georg Mller

Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 2025, 61(1):31-42 | DOI: 10.17221/104/2024-CJGPB  

Wheat Fusarium head blight (FHB) leads tolosses ofgrain yield and quality. Ingestion ofdiseased grain isdetrimental tohuman health due tothe mycotoxins present inthe grain. Developing resistant cultivars for environments where FHB isprevalent istherefore animportant breeding objective. One ofthe most effective wheat genes conferring type II resistance toFHB isFhb1, originally discovered inthe Chinese cultivar (cv) Sumai 3. Another excellent FHB resistance gene isFhb7 located onthe long arm ofLophopyrum elongatum chromosome7E. Several alleles ofFhb7 have been identified. Allele Fhb7The2...

The insertion of an ancestral gene in Nicotiana tabacum plants reduces free radicals during saline irrigationOriginal Paper

Claudia Marissa Caldern Torres, Victoria Abril Mancilla Galvn, Miguel Murgua Romero

Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 2025, 61(1):43-49 | DOI: 10.17221/107/2024-CJGPB  

Transgenic organisms modified with ancestral genes for nitrogen metabolism are rare. Previously, itwas reported that genetically modified Nicotiana tabacum with the ARO4 gene ofaromatic amino acid synthesis from the yeast Debaryomyces hansenii increases its growth during moderate salt stress. Inthis investigation, itwas explored if the changes inthe expression ofthe gene DhARO4 inNicotiana tabacum, during saline irrigation, are related tothe chlorophyll content and the total reactive oxygen species production. Seedlings oftransgenic and wild type Nicotiana tabacum germinated instandard conditions...

Overexpression of a sorghum SnRK1βγ2 gene increases the biomass in Setaria viridis but not in riceShort Communication

Chudamani Sharma Prakash, Lihua Wang, Qi Shen, Jieqin Li, Yi-Hong Wang

Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 2025, 61(1):50-53 | DOI: 10.17221/63/2024-CJGPB  

Sorghum asaC4crop has been shown tobe both drought tolerant and photosynthetically productive. Inthis study, wedemonstrated that sorghum SbSnRK1βγ2 (SbSNF4-2), the γ subunit ofthe sucrose non-fermenting 1 (SNF1)/SNF1-related protein kinase 1 (SnRK1) heterotrimeric complex, increased the plant height and biomass inSetaria viridis, aC4 relative ofsorghum, but not inrice, aC3 relative, when overexpressed driven bythe maize ubiquitin promoter. However, the overexpression did not increase the tiller number inS. viridis, although itcaused modest increases inthe tiller number inboth sorghum...