Czech Journal of Animal Science: Czech Journal of Animal Science

Impact Factor (WoS):

2023: 1.4

Q3 – Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science

5-Year Impact Factor: 1.2

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Czech Journal of Animal Science

  • ISSN 1212-1819 (Print)
  • ISSN 1805-9309 (On-line)

An international open access peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.

  • Published since 1955 (by 1997 under the title ivoin vroba)
  • The journal is administered by an international Editorial Board
  • Editor-in-Chief: prof. Ing. Eva Tmov, CSc.
  • Co-editors: Ing. Filip Jank, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Milan Marounek, DrSc., prof. Ing. Tom Policar, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Ludk Stdnk, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Antonn Stratil, DrSc., Ing. Ludmila Zavadilov, CSc.
  • Executive Editor: Bc. Michaela Polcarov
  • The journal is published monthly

Aims & Scope

The journal is focused on the farm animal management.

The journal publishes original scientific articles and critical reviews covering all areas of genetics and breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition and feeds, technology, ethology and economics of cattle, pig, sheep, goat, poultry, fish, bees, and other farm animal management. Papers are published in English.

Current issue

Selected measurements of pork carcass geometry and association with slaughter valueOriginal Paper

Piotr Janiszewski, Dariuzs Lisiak, Karol Borzuta, Eugenia Grzekowiak, Piotr lsarz

Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2025, 70(2):43-54 | DOI: 10.17221/161/2024-CJAS  

The aim of the research was to use a vision technique to assess the relations between anatomical pork carcass traits, carcass geometry and slaughter value. The measurements in the experiment were performed on 128 selected pork carcasses. The 3D image of the carcass was assessed, especially its shape. Based on the carcass curvatures the correlation coefficients for these surfaces and slaughter value traits were calculated. The possibility of using the external dimensions and geometry of pork carcass for the accurate estimation of meatiness and the share of primal cuts using the technique of acquiring carcass images in a 3D configuration was confirmed....

Broilers responses to dietary wormwood administration under Eimeria-challenged conditionsOriginal Paper

David Zapletal, Radka Dobkov, Martina Kosukov, Vlastimil imek, Helena Stbrn, Betislav Koudela

Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2025, 70(2):55-63 | DOI: 10.17221/188/2024-CJAS  

Some herbs can be used as phytogenic additives as they naturally contain specific bioactive phytochemicals that are effective in controlling coccidiosis and some other poultry diseases due to their immunostimulatory effects and they can be also nutritious. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of Artemisia absinthium (WW) meal inclusion to a diet on the production performance, oocyst output and minerals content of meat in broilers infested by Eimeria oocysts. Ross 308 broilers were randomly assigned to four dietary groups. Broilers inthe control group were fed basal diets without coccidiostat or WW. Broilers of the R...

Effect ofdehulled lupin seeds infeed mixture onmuscle protein quality ofducklingsOriginal Paper

Eva Strakov, Lucie Vetikov, Pavel Such, Martin Kutlvar

Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2025, 70(2):64-71 | DOI: 10.17221/9/2025-CJAS  

The aim ofthe study was toprepare and test the effect ofdiets with 50% and 100% replacement ofsoybean meal with dehulled seeds ofwhite lupin (Lupinus albus) variety Zulika. One hundred and eighty Cherry Valley duckling were divided tocontrol group (C) and two experimental groups E50 (50% replacement ofsoybean meal with dehulled white lupin meal) and E100 (100% replacement ofsoybean meal with dehulled white lupin meal). There were evaluated the production parameters and the amino acid spectrum ofbreast and thigh muscles upto42days ofage. The effect ofdiets containing lupin meal had nonegative effect...

Analysis ofejaculate parameters and sperm morphology inroosters ofinitial laying strainsOriginal Paper

Ladislav Mchal, Tom Kopec, Zuzana Rekov, Radek Filipk, Milan Veea, Vojtch Pean, Eva Tmov

Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2025, 70(2):72-81 | DOI: 10.17221/203/2024-CJAS  

The aim ofthis study was toevaluate the influence oflaying hybrid lines ofdomestic fowl (Gallus gallusf. domestica) and their age onejaculate parameters inroosters. Parameters assessed included ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count (TSC), percentage ofnormal spermatozoa, and sperm motility. Additionally, morphological defects were observed: defects ofthe acrosome, head, neck, tail, and immature spermatozoa. The study included 120 roosters ofthe Barred Plymouth Rock, Sussex Light, Rhode Island Red, and Rhode Island White laying lines. Ejaculate was repeatedly evaluated atthe ages of34, 43, and 52weeks. The...