
The 83 Max Planck Institutes

conduct basic research in the service of the general public in the sciences, technology, and the humanities. This website gives an overview of research performed in the broad area of computer science at MPIs and their partner universities.

Max Planck Computer Science Research Areas


Algorithms, Theory, Logic

This field investigates a range of theoretical and practical aspects of algorithmics, encompassing design, analysis, and development of provably efficient and correct software.
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Computational Biology

To investigate biological questions, bioinformatics develops and uses approaches and methods from a variety of fields, including computer science, mathematics, and statistics.
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Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and HCI

Visual computing and HCI are wide-ranging fields, encompassing topics such as computer graphics, image processing, display and user interface design, computer vision, and scene understanding.
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Data, Knowledge, and the Web

The advent of large-scale data on the Web and elsewhere poses new challenges and opportunities. This field studies methods for organizing, searching, mining, and exploring such data.
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Distributed, Networked, and Mobile Systems

Our society is becoming increasingly reliant on information technology. This area studies how systems at various scales can be ensured to meet criteria such as privacy, security, and dependability.
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Machine Learning

Machine learning investigates and develops methods for inferring or recognizing patterns using datasets of various sizes, whether for exploratory purposes or to accomplish specific tasks.
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Programming Languages and Verification

This area examines the principles, design, and implementation of programming languages, developing techniques and tools for analysis, testing, and verification of programs against specifications.
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Robotics and Cyber-Physical Systems

Robots and cyber-physical systems need to be able to sense their environment and react accordingly. To allow them to operate safely and effectively, this field tackles a complex range of issues.
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Security and Privacy

This field focuses on foundational and practical aspects of security, trust, privacy, and accountability in computer systems, from individual devices and operating systems up to the Web.
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Social Computing and Computational Social Science

Through user studies, analysis of large datasets, and design and deployment of new systems, these emerging fields seek to understand and influence the behavior of these systems and their users.
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Max Planck Institutes Performing Computer Science Research

MPI for Informatics

MPI-INF // The Max Planck Institute for Informatics is a computer science research institute located in Saarbrücken, Germany. Its researchers are devoted to cutting-edge research in informatics with a focus on algorithms and their applications in a broad sense. Read more …

MPI for Security and Privacy

MPI-SP // The Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy was founded in May 2019. The institute’s mission is to study and develop the technical foundations and interdisciplinary aspects of security and privacy. The institute seeks impact through publications, artifacts, and personnel, and serves as a center of excellence for basic research and for the training of the next generation of scientific leaders in security and privacy. Read more …

Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

MPI-B // The Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry is an international research institute located in Martinsried, Munich. Its scientists are primarily concerned with research on the structure and function of proteins. Read more …

MPI for Human Development

The Max Planck Institute for Human Development is a research institute based in Berlin, Germany. Its research is dedicated to the study of human development, education, and human-machine interaction. Researchers of various disciplines – including psychology, education, sociology, medicine, history, economics, computer science, and mathematics – work together on interdisciplinary projects. Read more …

MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

MPI-CBG // The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics is a biology research institute located in Dresden, Germany. Its research groups work in molecular biology, cell biology, and developmental biology, supported by various facilities. Read more …

MPI for Intelligent Systems

MPI-IS // The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems is a research institute with sites in Tübingen and Stuttgart, Germany. Its researchers approach intelligent systems from the viewpoint of learning in systems with perception-action loops while these systems interact with natural, complex environments. Read more …

MPI for Software Systems

MPI-SWS // The Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, located in Kaiserslautern and Saarbrücken, studies the principles of efficient, dependable, secure, and usable computing systems, as well as their interaction with the physical and social context in which they operate.  Areas of particular interest include dependable software, social computing, and practical privacy. Read more …

MPI for Demographic Research

MPI-DR // The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, located in Rostock, Germany, investigates the structure and dynamics of populations. The Institute’s researchers explore issues of political relevance, such as demographic change, aging, fertility, and the redistribution of work over the life course, as well as digitization and the use of new data sources for the estimation of migration flows. Read more …

MPI for Molecular Genetics

MPI-MG // The Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics is a research institute based in Berlin, Germany. Its research concentrates on genome analysis of humans and other organisms to contribute to a global understanding of biological processes and human diseases. Read more …

Computer Science Research at Partner Universities


RPTU // The Department of Computer Science carries out basic and applied research in many modern subject areas of computer science.The department is made up of 24 work groups covering different subjects with a total of over one hundred scientists. Read more about the department or check out the RPTU computer science faculty.

Saarland University

Saarland University // With its 800 researchers and 1700 students from 81 countries, the Saarland Informatics Campus belongs to one of the leading locations for Informatics in Germany and in Europe. Read more about the department or check out the Saarland University computer science faculty.

University of Stuttgart

University of Stuttgart // Since it was founded in 1970 the Department of Computer Science has developed continuously to become an internationally recognised institution that is strong in research, covering large areas of modern computer scienceRead more about the department or check out the University of Stuttgart computer science research areas and faculty.

University of Tübingen

University of Tübingen // The computer science department at Tübingen performs research in the core areas of computer science as well as in bioinformatics, media informatics, and cognitive science. The department is also rapidly expanding in its focus on machine learning. Read more about the department or check out the University of Tübingen computer science research areas and faculty.