Ref. 136 ソノシート 「ジャイアント ロボ」 / Giant ROBO
ケイブンシャ KSC-3018 マンガ版です。

ドラマ「大怪獣ダコラー」 これがダコラー?

朝日ソノラマ M-105 TV特撮版です。

ドラマ「ギロチン帝王の魔手」 これがダコラーでは?

"Giant RoBo" was exhibited in Manga with thrilling stories by Mitsuteru Yokoyama and the special effects TV program with impressive battles between giant robots. Nobody did not decide which would be more enjoyable. The manga version was recorded on the Keibunsya sheet, and TV version was recorded on the Asahisonorama sonosheet. These precious sheets, therfore, were registered as personal heritage on September 16, 2013.
ケイブンシャ KSC-3018 マンガ版です。

ドラマ「大怪獣ダコラー」 これがダコラー?

朝日ソノラマ M-105 TV特撮版です。

ドラマ「ギロチン帝王の魔手」 これがダコラーでは?

"Giant RoBo" was exhibited in Manga with thrilling stories by Mitsuteru Yokoyama and the special effects TV program with impressive battles between giant robots. Nobody did not decide which would be more enjoyable. The manga version was recorded on the Keibunsya sheet, and TV version was recorded on the Asahisonorama sonosheet. These precious sheets, therfore, were registered as personal heritage on September 16, 2013.