Ref. 120 テレビ50年 in TVガイド / 50 years of TV broadcast in "TV Guide"
TVガイド創刊2000号記念として2000年に発行された本書は、1953年から2000年までの日本のTV放送の歴史をその時の世相と代表的な番組を豊富な写真と共に編纂された貴重な資料となっています。特にTV創設期の「TVガイド」の存在は大きく、P513の中に年代別にその年の代表番組が丁寧に解説されています。又、この雑誌の1962年の創刊から2000年までの表紙が全て掲載されており、それだけでも楽しめます。この貴重な「テレビ50年 in TVガイド」(東京ニュース通信社)は、2011年12月31日に個人遺産に登録されました。
TV50年の表紙 と TVガイド各号の表紙集
"50 years of TV broadcast in TV Guide" issued on the 2000th anniversary of the issue from 1953 to 2000, has lots of pictures and expplanations related to the representative TV programs in the year, therefo0re is one of the most precious data in the study of the history of Japanese TV program. Especially TV Guide influenced a lot of audience in the first a few tens years of the TV broadcast. This book includes all of the cover photos from the first issue in 1962 through 2000, and it really enjoys me. The precious "TV program 50 years in TV Guide " issued by Tokyo News service was hereby registered as personal heritage on December 31, 2011.
A very happy New Year!!
TV50年の表紙 と TVガイド各号の表紙集
"50 years of TV broadcast in TV Guide" issued on the 2000th anniversary of the issue from 1953 to 2000, has lots of pictures and expplanations related to the representative TV programs in the year, therefo0re is one of the most precious data in the study of the history of Japanese TV program. Especially TV Guide influenced a lot of audience in the first a few tens years of the TV broadcast. This book includes all of the cover photos from the first issue in 1962 through 2000, and it really enjoys me. The precious "TV program 50 years in TV Guide " issued by Tokyo News service was hereby registered as personal heritage on December 31, 2011.
A very happy New Year!!