Advanced Multimedia Processing (AMP) Lab, Cornell University
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 AMP member Kuan-Chuan Peng passes B-Exam
 AMP paper accepted into ICIP 2016
 AMP paper accepted into CVPR 2016
 AMP member Amandianeze Nwana passes B-Exam
 AMP paper accepted into WACV 2016
 AMP alumnus Wende Zhang wins 2015 Popular Science 'Best of What's New' award
 AMP paper accepted into ISM 2015
 AMP paper accepted into ICCV 2015
 AMP MEng project is awarded on Cornell's ECE Day!
 AMP paper accepted into ICIP 2015
 AMP member Amandianeze Nwana wins the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society research award in sciences
 AMP paper accepted into ICME 2015 (oral presentation)
 AMP paper accepted into CVPR 2015