CEUR-WS.org/Vol-117 - Design, Evaluation and Description of Reusable Learning Contents
[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-117

© 2004 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

Design, Evaluation and Description of Reusable Learning Contents

Proceedings of the First Pluri-Disciplinary Symposium on
Design, Evaluation and Description of Reusable Learning Contents

Guadalajara (Spain), October 20-22, 2004.

Edited by

Jos R. Hilera Gonzlez *
Jos A. Gutirrez de Mesa *
Raquel Vlez de Miguel #
Rut Martnez Borda #

* Computer Science Department, University of Alcala, 28871 Alcal de Henares (Madrid), Spain
# Psychopedagogy and Physical Education Department, Universitiy of Alcal, 28801 Alcal de Henares (Madrid), Spain

Table of Contents

  1. Qualitative approach for the teaching of physical concepts
    Juan J. lvarez-Snchez, Jos V. lvarez-Bravo, Francisco J. Gonzlez-Cabrera
  2. A scope of Learning Management Systems
    Roberto Barchino, Jos M. Gutirrez, Salvador Otn
  3. Operating MATLAB by Internet
    Bonifacio Castao, Juan Llovet, Javier Snchez
  4. Teaching and Learning to Design e-Learning Didactic Materials: Reflections since the Practice in the University of Alcala
    Omar de la Cruz, Mnica Olivares Leyva, Carmen Pags, Rita Ros de la Llave, Francisco J. Moreno Ruiz, Miguel A. Lpez
  5. Adapting Software Engineering Reusability Metrics to Learning Objects
    Juan J. Cuadrado-Gallego
  6. The University Libraries and the new learning model: teachers and librarians, since we learn together, lets work together
    M Isabel Domnguez Aroca
  7. Learning Objects in the <e-Aula> system
    Baltasar Fernndez-Manjn, J. Lpez Moratalla, Ivn Martnez Ortiz, P. Moreno Ger
  8. The evaluation as a didactic strategy. The quality in higher education
    Anna Fors, Carme Trinidad
  9. Taxonomy of the digital learning resources used in the subjects taught in the ETSII-UPM
    ngel Garca-Beltrn, Raquel Martnez, Juan A. Criado, Aurora Alonso
  10. How to develop contents for on line training based on learning objects
    Marta Gonzlez Arechabaleta
  11. The contribution of IMS Learning Design to the creation of reusable learning resources
    David Griffiths, Roco Garcia, Josep Blat, Sergio Sayago
  12. Instructional design and learning objects; towards a model for the design of online learning evaluation activities
    Lourdes Gurdia Ortiz, Albert Sangr Morer
  13. Analysis of the importance of to use information technologies and the communications at the apprenticeship: The case of NetSim as a web of computer's electronic tools
    Jos Antonio Gutirrez de Mesa, Juan Antonio Rodrigo Yanes, Julio Garva Honrado
  14. Reflections on the configuration of the pedagogic knowledge and the required competences in the Information Society: modifications around the concept of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs)
    M Jos Hernndez Serrano, Margarita Gonzlez Snchez
  15. Reusable learning processes modeling with XML, UML and IMS-LD
    Jos R. Hilera, David Palomar
  16. Concept Maps and Learning Objects
    Leonel Iriarte Navarro, Manuel Marco Such, Daniel Morn Martn, Carlos Prez-Sancho, Pedro Pernas Peco
  17. Creation of a library of learning objects (LO) from pre existing contents
    Leonel Iriarte Navarro, Manuel Marco Such, Daniel Morn Martn, Carlos Prez-Sancho, Pedro Pernas Peco
  18. Evaluation and implantation of an evaluation model of formative actions
    M Lourdes Jimnez, Roberto Barchino
  19. "Scent of women": beyond "objects of learning"
    Pilar Lacasa
  20. Meaning and learnings objects
    Pilar Lacasa, Raquel Vlez, Soraya Snchez
  21. Integrating descriptions of cognitive skills in standard learning objects metadata
    Cristina Laorden, Elena Garca, Salvador Snchez
  22. Development of learning objects repositories by metadata reutilization from a digital collection: from Dublin Core to IMS
    Clara Lpez Guzmn, Francisco Garca Pealvo
  23. Middleware architecture to the extension of functionality of e-learning contents and LMS
    Jos Vicente Mancls Tur, Aurelio Pons Puig, Jos Millet Roig
  24. Construction of learning objects: seeking a frame of reference derived from an educational perspective
    Leonor Margalef Garca
  25. Analysing the quality of reusable learning objects: design, usability and practices of use
    Teresa Mauri, Javier Onrubia, Csar Coll, Rosa Colomina
  26. Building new educational environments. The challenge of teaching practice in distance education
    Laura Mndez Zaballos
  27. Personalizing the learning process by means of reusable learning objects
    Juli Minguilln, Enric Mor, Francesc Santanach, Lourdes Gurdia
  28. Can we apply Free Software production model to learning contents?
    Sergio Monge Benito
  29. Units of learning quality evaluation
    E. Morales, F. Garca, T. Moreira, H. Rego, A. Berlanga
  30. Advanced intelligent tutoring system. Application example: GEKA
    Carmen Pags, Jos J. Martnez, scar Gutirrez, Teresa Dez
  31. Opera-Learning: Integrating multimedia content distribution and learning objects standards
    Mireia Pascual, Juli Minguilln
  32. Collaboration as a social learning context: construction and re-creation of shared knowledge in virtual spaces
    Laura Rayn Rumayor
  33. An open system for the creation of digital educative contents
    Jos L. Rodrguez Illera, Anna Escofet, Mariella Azzato
  34. Design electronic educational contents based on learning objects
    Rosabel Roig Vila
  35. A comparative study of the metadata in SCORM and Dublin Core
    Juan Ignacio Rouyet, Vctor Martn
  36. Processes involved in the development of reusable multimedia didactic materials to promote scientific and technological culture
    Andrs Sampedro Nuo, A. Martnez Nistal, R.A. Martnez Gonzlez, Beatriz Rodrguez Ruiz
  37. Normative metadata for the description of learning object-based educational activities
    Salvador Snchez Alonso
  38. Reusability and reuse of learning objects: myths, realities and possibilities
    Miguel ngel Sicilia
  39. Content sequencing and learning objects
    Miguel Zapata

submitted by J.R. Hilera, November 11, 2004