We concluded the year by reaching a major milestone, 70,000 registered authors, which is triple the membership of the largest professional organization in Economics. We also launched a new service for Bluesky users, as now all NEP reports can be followed there now. Other options are email, RSS, and Mastodon. Authors already had the option to add their Bluesky handle to their profile.
In regular news, we welcomed a couple of new archives: Drexel University and Journal of Sustainable Development Issues. We counted during the month 327,978 file downloads and 1,426,598 abstract views. And we reached the following milestones:
12,000,000 cumulative abstract views for books
70,000 registered authors
Now regarding the year as a whole. We counted 4,721,574 file downloads and 18,772,300 abstract views. Note that this is only a partial picture, as not all RePEc services provide auditable traffic data. 30 new RePEc archives joined. Along with over 2100 extant archives, they added 100 working papers series, 45,000 working papers, 120 journals, 200,000 articles, 130 new software components, 2,500 new books and 20,000 new book chapters (numbers rounded). 3,500 new authors registered, and their profiles include 125,000 more works than 12 months ago.
2025 is expected to be a busy year for RePEc. We will continue to provide services to the Economics professions thanks to our volunteers. Beyond this we hope to launch a new initiative, stay tuned by following this blog.
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