Canadian Standards Development

Canadian Farm Machinery Standards

Canadian farm machinery standards have had a long history of development with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). For over 35 years, CSA hosted the committee responsible for this development, the Agricultural Machinery Technical Committee (AMTC) with membership from farmers, manufacturers, regulators and trade associations.

In the Fall of 2020, CSA disbanded the AMTC and in December 2020, ASABE inaugurated the Canadian Agricultural Systems Standards Oversight (CASSO) / Surveillance des normes des systèmes agricoles canadiens (SNSAC) to resume Canadian standards development.

CASSO Partners

CASSO/SNSAC has partnered with the following organizations in pursuing Canadian standards development.

  • Agricultural Manufactures of Canada (AMC)
  • Canadian Agricultural Safety Association / Association canadienne de sécurité agricole (CASA/ACSA)
  • Canadian Society for Bioengineering / La Société Canadienne de Génie Agroalimentaire et de Bioingénierie (CSBE/SCGAB)
  • Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI)

CASSO/SNSAC Project Proposal Form

The Project Proposal Form for CASSO/SNSAC will be found here: 


The work plan for CASSO/SNSAC future standards development projects will be found here: 

CASSO/SNSAC Deliverables

  • Canadian National Standards (Adopted for Canada)
  • Bi-National Standards (Adopted for Canada & USA)
  • Recognized Standards

A reference to an international or national standard from another country, which the committee has reviewed and deemed relevant to Canadian interests; however, full adoption has not been pursued due to the resources required to review, audit, ballot, publish and/or complete bilingual translation. This list is a low overhead method of conveying important and relevant standards to the users, public, trade associations and regulators.

Standardization Procedures of CASSO/SNSAC

ASABE Standards Department Structure