Welcome to the website of the 24th edition of the ARITH symposium. The conference will take place from Monday, July 24th, to Wednesday, July 26th, 2017, in London, England.

Since 1969, the ARITH symposia have served as the primary and reference conference for presenting scientific work on the latest research in computer arithmetic. The topics of the conference include theoretical aspects, number systems, algorithms for operations and math functions, implementations, validation, and applications of computer arithmetic. Since 1981, the ARITH symposia have been a biennial event. They are now an annual event starting from 2015. See the archives page for more information on previous symposia.

Registration is now open
The early registration deadline has been extended till the 23rd of June.

Invited speakers

Monday: Prof. N. Higham, Manchester University, UK : "The Rise of Multiprecision Arithmetic"

Tuesday: Dr. J-C. Rioual, Met Office, UK : "Large scale numerical simulations of the climate"

Special sessions

Monday: Realizing Efficient Matrix Computations, organised by Martin Langhammer, Intel.

Tuesday Arithmetic in DSP, organised by George A. Constantinides, Imperial College.

Social Programme

Monday: Drinks reception at the Science Museum

Tuesday: Conference banquet

Wednesday: (Optional) Afternoon trip to Bletchley Park.

Important dates
Paper submission deadlineFinal: Jan 31st 23:59 (Pacific Time), 2017
Acceptance notificationMar 31st 2017
Deadline for upload of final versionsApr 30th 2017
Early registration deadlineJun 23rd 2017