Behavior change agency, brand design, social change campaigns & films - Applied Wonder

Applied Wonder is an odyssey to change the world for the better through creativity. We are the distilled result of more than a decade of work, over the course of which we have given voice to remarkable brands, crafted impactful campaigns that have shaped policy, launched movements and products, directed hundreds of films that have informed and inspired and fashioned some of the most iconic behavior change campaigns. Applied Wonder is one of the finest pure play creative agencies for the underdog – for social organizations and movements, for socially inspired businesses and impassioned startups. We specialize in Brand Design, Communication Design, Social Change and  Behavior Change Campaigns and Films.

But don’t choose us for all this, competence can be acquired. Choose us because we love what we do and because our creativity is always authentic, impact oriented and illuminated by wonder.

Client Speak

Our Clients


JULY 27, 2022

What is a brand?

We must look at the whole idea of branding with cynicism and scrutiny. What, after all,...


OCTOBER 30, 2020


Entrepreneurship, the pursuit of meaning & behavior science A podcast format...


JUNE 3, 2020

Hoarding toilet paper Vs...

It isn’t a proud moment for humanity. Bad enough our centuries old domination of nature...


OCTOBER 1, 2018

Why does your company need a...

The creative and development spaces are fast-moving fields. At Clutch, we work hard to...


JUNE 8, 2018

Are you selling a product or...

  This is a very fundamental question. Something I have stumbled on well into the...


FEBRUARY 5, 2018


Welcome to Applied Wonder…