Upwards And Onwards V.A. | Various Artists | Ano(t)raks
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Upwards And Onwards V​.​A.

by Various Artists

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"When The Nightmare Ends" Finally, those realities broke my dreams While you were sleeping She knows me and my enemy in a fantasy And you've gone away Please call me pity girl 'cause I'm a bleeding fool In my mind and in your hand There's no complications Even if kicking off dirty boots I can't touch your tatoo We wake up before dawn And I fell asleep again Oh, are you sleeping like a weeping willow? When I wet my pillow I listened to dubstep all day long But I found it wrong Please call me pity girl 'cause I'm a bleeding fool In my mind and in your hand There's no complications Your little lies brought nightmare I've lost my way Can't you see my Shangri‐La? And I falling down again
"Someday" In The Secret In My Heart In The Secret In Your Heart Here We Come Maybe Someday Let Me Take your Time 【対訳】 秘密を知っている 俺の心の中で 秘密を知っている 君の心の中で いつかそれを知る日が来るだろう ゆっくりおいで
"you & i" in a mad hallucination in a dark hollow by the side of a bright lake you & i... dust on the thrown leaf of a letter blowin’ memories you & i... a lie of the sweet melon perfume truth in the sticky mudhole lightless words you & i... in a mad hallucination in a dark hollow by the side of a bright lake you & i...
"1980" 1980, called me away do you remember? do you remember? stop you moving take a look back do you remember? do you remember me? take your hands what did you find out? what did you find out? I was in love with you do you remember? do you remember me? *if you can believe stand by me stand by me just like it sounds stand by me stand by me always clammed up don't wanna ask you do you remember? do you remember? looking for a way to clarify the truth do you believe that? do you believe that? can you feel? only you'll find out only you'll find out talking about yourself do you remember? do you remember me? *if you can believe stand by me stand by me just like it sounds stand by me stand by me
"sunshine (keyboard ver.)" 嘘で描いたひこうきぐも みたいだ ギブミーサンシャイン ハレルヤいつか虹が見えたら ギブミーサンシャイン 君が選んだ絵もラジオも全部 こわしてしまいたい その夢の中の子猫に今すぐ ミルクをあげたいな 本当にほんとうの 本当にほんとうのことなんて わかんないし 知りたくないや 嘘で描いたひこうきぐも みたいだ ギブミーサンシャイン ハレルヤいつか虹が見えたら ギブミーサンシャイン
"Ringo No Sitsukan" 気怠い毎日を 色濃く化粧してゆくのは 間違ったことかと 疑った深い冬の朝 夢の中の 僕だけの都市を歩いてる 上下左右全部 うまいことなっているバランス 右手の感覚失う前の りんごの質感 夢の中の僕だけの都市を歩いてる それすらもまともにできない 右手の感覚失う前の りんごの質感
"2nd rainbows"                 I’m lying to myself by saying “I want to tell you something” Seeing myself go mad What could my friend tell me now? “Kill as many people as possible while living” I’m really bored with this kind of joke Seeing myself go mad What could my friend tell me now? I’m not thinking about anything I’m just holding on to a “nothing” I just want someone to tell me why I was born And meaning of my life As if to drive home my point Pain comes and pain goes The pain that I’ve come to know Will stay with me till I die Like the fairy tale that I read in childhood absorbedly If this world should hold some meaning “Anything anymore” A rainbow followed the rain It was almost close enough to touch but I still couldn’t go there How many more steps will it take to get there? But, I keep on walking A rainbow followed the rain It was almost close enough to touch but I still couldn’t go there Do I have to walk without end? Even so, I keep on walking I’ll go way up I’ll go way up there… 【対訳】 「君に伝えたい事がある」だなんて僕は自分に嘘を吐いてる。 自分が狂っていってるのが分かるよ。 こんな僕に友は何を語ってくれるんだろう? 「死ぬ前に出来るだけ多くの人間を殺す」だなんてそんな冗談めいた話はもうウンザリなんだ。 僕は自分が狂っていってるのが分かるよ。 こんな僕に友は何を伝えてくれるんだろう? 僕の頭の中はからっぽ。 僕は「無」にしがみついてるんだ。 誰か教えてくれないか僕の生まれてきた理由を。そして人生の意味を。 まるで当て付けるかのように色んな苦痛が訪れては去っていくんだ。 これまで知り得た僕の苦痛はきっと、死ぬまで消えはしないんだろう。 子供の頃に夢中で読んだおとぎ話みたいに、もしもこの世界が意味を持ってるんだとしたら、…もうなにもかも。 雨が止んで虹が射すよ。 手が届きそうな距離に見えてるのに行く事の出来ないあの場所。 僕はあと何歩でその場所に辿り着けるんだろうか? でも僕は、そこまで歩いていくよ。 雨が止んで虹が射すよ。 手が届きそうな距離に見えてるのに行く事の出来ないあの場所。 僕はまだ果てしなく歩き続けないといけないのかな? それでも僕は歩いていくよ。 ずっとずっと上の、遠いあの場所まで…。
"You Are My Sunshine" all was for a days it was early that ice melted it didn't rain i believed it was early to give up excuse is that it wasn't me my hands are full it wasn't just have to be me excuse is that my heart is satisfied i feel a pain in my chest still was hiding i might be wrong still was hiding still was hiding i might be wrong it's still colder today all was for a days effort was useless i knew it from the first so what you would say that why shouldn't we all go out? why are you look away from? i'm still sleepy i'm still waking up please are you still here? i see it now sky remains blue free take care you're still the same you're clean and honest like the sky
"トキメキTONIGHT" (TOKIMEKI TONIGHT) 投げやりに吐き出していた Lonelyness Goodbye Girl...瞳に溶け出す Sadness 妖しく照らし出すのは Moonlight Sexualな気持ちで今は ...In Heaven... Physicalな神経抱いて Love Me Idolになれない悲しきヒロイン 二人身を潜め合った Castel 変わる心は Automatic Blue Romanesqueは未だ全てに 巻き付いてるきっと My Eyes & Your Eyes Tabooを破るのはドレスで 近づき見つめ合い Just One More Kiss


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Indie Pop / Indie Rock / Twee Pop


released February 11, 2013

Artwork : Koudai Kobayashi
Model : Kirin


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