バーチャルリアリティ研究者として,特にバーチャル世界での身体のあり方や経験がわれわれの思考や行動にどのような影響を与えうるかを研究してきたSun Joo (Grace) Ahn氏(Associate Professor, University of Georgia)を迎えて,東京大学で講演会をおこないます.奮ってご参加下さい.
Title: Impacting Attitudes and Behaviors With Virtual Reality: Studies in Persuasive Communication
Abstract: Immersive virtual environments, commonly known as virtual reality, surround users with rich layers of sensory information and allow them to see, hear, and feel as if they are in the physical world. My work has explored the use of virtual experiences to impact how people think and behave in the physical world. This talk will introduce studies that span across over a decade of investigating virtual reality’s effect on health, environmental, and consumer behaviors. Findings shed light on when and how these virtual experiences effective, underlying mechanisms driving these effects, and individual differences that moderate the observed outcomes. Implications for adopting virtual reality in persuasive and strategic communication and future directions will be discussed.
Bio: Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn (Ph.D., Stanford University) is an Associate Professor at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia, and the founding director of the Games and Virtual Environments Lab. Her main program of research investigates how interactive digital media such as virtual and augmented reality transform traditional rules of communication and social interactions, looking at how virtual experiences shape the way that people think, feel, and behave in the physical world. Her work is supported by the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health and is published in numerous top-tier outlets, including Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Communication Research, Media Psychology, and Journal of Advertising. She is the recipient of the Mary Alice Shaver Promising Professor Award from the American Academy of Advertising and the inaugural Early Career Award from the National Communication Association’s Health Communication Division.
Dating Scienceの研究をする中で、今後やってみたいこととして、岩本氏は「ミニマムコミュニケーション」「環境拡張」「非対面コミュニケーション」を挙げました。例えば「環境拡張」は場の雰囲気などをテクノロジーを使って作り出すことで、そこにいる人たちのコミュニケーションを活性化するといったものです。
最初は、博報堂の金ジョンヒョンより「Affective Media WG」の説明がなされました。筆記音をフィードバックすることで書くモチベーションの向上させるという感性価値を起点に、書く効率の向上にも繋がるというWriteMoreの実例を紹介しつつ、感性を起点につくる新しい体験の可能性が紹介されました。快適さ・心地よさ・楽しさなどといった感性的要因を理解し、それらに訴えかける先端的な価値提供技術を構築・体系化するために、Affective Media WGが設立され、WSを通して議論していく旨が述べられました。