Alex Berg Computer Vision UC Irvine

Alexander C. Berg
UC Irvine
Computer Science
Office: DBH 4204
I am an associate professor at UC Irvine as of March 2022. I have been a professor at UNC Chapel Hill and Stony Brook University, cofounded a startup, Shopagon, and worked in FAIR at Meta. My PhD was completed at U.C. Berkeley with Jitendra Malik, and I have had the chance to work with many wonderful people.

I am interested in all aspects of computer vision and related problems in other fields. My thesis was on shape and object recognition in images using a new take on deformable templates. I also work on large-scale machine learning algorithms for object recognition and detection, image retrieval, recognizing and synthesizing human action in video, recovering human body poses from photographs, detecting and identifying human faces in images, detecting vehicles in images, and more...



You can find my papers and citations on Google Scholar here.